Monday, November 23, 2009

The School of Athens

When we look at art, we are able to see where and when the painting took place but in The School of Athens, it is a different story. This fresco The School of Athens by Raphael was painted on the walls of the Papel Palace amongst the Vatican in Rome from 1510 to 1511. The work of art is truly sensational and intriguing. Just the title has a significant meaning, The School of Athens. There was Roman architecture painted but the school was thought to be in Athens, Greece. During the Renaissance, ideas were being 'reborn' and re-taught from past times like the knowledge from Greece because this where many Greek ideas were being acknowledged again. People started to think for themselves and question the Church. Another Greek contribution to the painting are the two statues of the Greek Gods Apollo and Athens. This painting is a humanist fantasy. Individuals from all different time periods were gathered together to talk about their theories and beliefs under one roof. The symmetrical columns and Roman arches are another example showing the different time periods that were coming back during the Renaissance. The classical and elegant Roman architecture was starting to be build for attractiveness and uniqueness in the city state. The people framed by the arches were geniuses during their time period. Spirtiual thinkers such as Play Doh, mathematicians, believers about religion and the universe like Aristotle, and scientists were placed in 'The School of Athens'. From just looking at this painting, we can truly see what the vibrant Renaissance was all about.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Apollo the Sun God

If I were to be anyone in The School of Athens painting, I would be Apollo, The Sun God. Apollo was a man that was supportive of all arts. He was the son of the Greek God Zeus and had a twin sister Artemis, goddess of of hunting and wild life. Apollo was an over achiever and set high stantards in his life. I love to do well and achieve my goals in sports and school. Apollo was also a risk taker and extremely courageous. When Apollo was only four years old, he rescued his mother Hera from the giantic serpent- Python that was haunting her and giving her absolute pain while she was pregnent with Apollo and succesfully killed the Python. I am always helping others in tricky situations and 'healing' them with my words. I take risks to help myself and others. Apollo had many intellectual pursuits. I don't enjoy small talk, I like to see the bigger picture and different ways of doing things. I think deeply in significant issues. At the moment, I am in the Global Issues Network and am intrigued by all the new thoughts, ideas and what is happening around us. Like Apollo, I enjoy entertaining people with jokes and sharing my new skills and what I have to say. Apollo was a very talented man and was involved in many activities. I'm always busy doing either sports, music, art, or nurturing people. I love life even though I don't always feel that I am on a magnificant golden chariot being pulled by swans, I am still determined to make the best of it.